
T.I.L.W. Deploying to Heroku

First in a series of posts featuring: “Things I Learned While…” Often times I need to do research to figure out a technical problem. Finding the info isn’t the bad part. It’s re-finding it that always gets to me. I don’t want to waste time re-finding and re-learning things, so might as well get it right the first time round.

Another thing; I often get sidetracked when I’m doing work… I’ll start one project, and while doing that project I’ll stumble upon something else that’s interesting, and get dragged into it. I need to switch my mental brain algorithm from BFS to DFS, and maybe try out iterative deepening (CS 188 reference whoops).

So for this MTILW post, I ran into some Heroku issues. Here are my personal notes towards fixing the issue.

Main Issue: Heroku hosted website does not look as intended.

Learn the basics of Heroku deployment
Read Heroku’s official docs, or if you’re on a time crunch, a great reference sheet.

Does your production deployment look different from your development deployment?
According to Patrick and Marcacyr, you should precompile your assets.
Question: what are the disadvantages associated with precompiling assets?

Can’t precompile assets because JS errors?
Find those errors easily using Radovan’s solution.

Can’t find the JS error, even though you’re looking at the file (on Sublime)?
Download a linter. You can learn more about how to install linter’s for Sublime at my Power Up Sublime! series.

Resolution: By precompiling assets, fixing up some well hidden JS syntax errors, and pushing it to Heroku I was able to resolve the main issue.

Welp, that’s a wrap.

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